




邮箱: haitao.lu@vinniecarr.com

2004年9月-2009年6月 黑龙江中医药大学 生药学(硕博连读) 博士学位
Ph.D., in Pharmacognosy, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine
2000年9月-2004年7月 黑龙江中医药大学 中药学 学士学位
B.SC., in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine


吕海涛博士,英国皇家化学会会士(FRSC),英国皇家生物学会会士(FRSB), 英国林奈学会会士(FLS), 上海交通大学特别研究员(长聘教席)/课题组长/博士生导师,绿色通道引进高层次人才,QUT校长特聘教授席,Faculty 专家-Faculty Opinions (F1000 Prime), 澳门科技大学兼职教授/博士生导师(药学/中药学),交通大学功能代谢组科学实验室主任,上海院士专家工作站(专家级)首席专家。近五年,主持国家重点研发计划课题和国家自然科学基金等10余项课题。在Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, Pharmacological Research, Molecular Cellar Proteomics, Analytica Chimica Acta等相关领域国际权威期刊发表SCI检索论文58篇,Wiley著名系列丛书英文章节1篇,ESI高被引4篇,论文被Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Reviews Urology和Nature Foods等著名杂志引用2800余次。近五年在国内外一流学术会议担任分会主席6次,大会邀请报告40余场次,被境外著名高校邀请报告6次。兼任中国生物物理学会代谢组学分会副秘书长,世界中医药联合会中医药免疫专委会常务理事,世界中医药联合会中药鉴定专委会常务理事,中国中西医结合学会分子生药学专委会常务理事,中国药理学会中药与天然药物专委会(青年)常务理事,国际代谢组学学会会员,中国药理学会分析药理学专委会创会委员等;曾任Phytomedicine副主编, 现任Pharmacological Research-Section主编,Frontiers in Microbiology 副主编,Royal Society Open Science 副主编,Proteomics-Clinical Applications编委, Proteomics 编委,Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B,Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, Journal of Analysis and Testing,Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine,《色谱》和《中国药理学通报》杂志青年编委; 国家自然科学基金、澳大利亚NHMRC基金会和中国香港HMRF基金会评审专家; 澳门大学等著名高校Faculty Promotion评审专家。

2021年4月-至今 英国皇家化学会 会士 (FRSC)
Fellow, The Royal Society of Chemistry in UK
2021年7月-至今 英国皇家生物学会 会士 (FRSB)
Fellow, The Royal Society of Biology in UK
2021年7月-至今 Faculty Opinions (F1000 Prime) Faculty专家
2016年9月-至今 十大赌博老品牌网站 研究员(长聘教席)/PI/博士生导师
Professor, Principal Investigator, Faculty Director, PhD. Supervisor
Laboratory for Functional Metabolomics Science
Shanghai Center for Systems Biomedicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2020年8月-至今 澳门科技大学药学院 兼职教授/博士生导师
Adjunct Professor, PhD Supervisor
School of Pharmacy, Macau University of Science and Technology
2013年7月-2016年7月 QUT 校长特聘教授席 (国际人才基金,Adjunct Faculty)/博士生导师
QUT Vice Chancellor Research Fellow, PhD. Supervisor
2012年9月-2016年9月 重庆大学药学院(创新药物研究中心)百人计划研究员/博士生导师/主任助理
Professor, Assistant Dean, Principal Investigator, PhD. Supervisor
College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chongqing University
2009年9月-2013年1月 美国爱因斯坦医学院/华盛顿大学医学院/麻省理工学院 博士后研究员
Postdoctoral Fellow (Associate), Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Washington
University School of Medicine, MIT Smart Center/Dept. Biological Engineering


英国皇家化学会会士 (Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemisty in UK, FRSC)
英国皇家生物学会会士 (Fellow of The Royal Society of Biology in UK, FRSB)
英国林奈学会会士 (Fellow of The Linnean Society of London in UK, FLS)
Faculty 专家 (Dept. Chemical Biology), Faculty Opinions (F1000 Prime)
Danaher Life Sciences China (世界五百强)Scientific Advisory Expert
2022年度Faculty Opinions Member of The Year Award获得者


中国生物物理学会代谢组学分会 副秘书长
广东药理学会药物代谢专业委员会 副主任委员
中国药理学会网络药理学专委会 常委/副秘书长
世界中医药联合会中医药免疫专委会 常务理事
澳门科技大学药学院/中医药学院 兼职教授/博导
中国药理学学会分析药理学专委会 理事
国际代谢组学学会 会员
十大赌博老品牌网站 /国际合作与交流委员会 委员
十大赌博老品牌网站 /研究生事务委员会 委员
Phytomedicine (Elsevier) 前副主编
Pharmacological Research (Elsevier) Section 主编
Royal Society Open Science 副主编
Chinese Medicine 编委会副主任
Proteomics (Wiley) 编委
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 青年编委
Journal of Analysis and Testing 青年编委
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine 青年编委
iLiver 青年编委

1. 下一代功能代谢组学研究/Next-Generation Functional Metabolomics
2. 微生物代谢/Microbial Metabolism
3. 系统药理学/Systems Pharmacology
4. 生物质谱与分析化学/Biological Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Chemistry
5. 肿瘤精准医学/Precision Oncology

代表性论文/Selected Publications
29. Liu, J., Jing, Wang., Wang, T., Hu, Z., and Lu, H*. (2023). Functional metabolomics revealed the dual-activation of cAMP-AMP axis is a novel therapeutic target of pancreatic cancer. Pharmacological Research, 187, 106554 (*Corresponding Author)
28. Wang, T., Hu, L., …..Liu, J., Xia, H. and Lu, H*. (2022). Functional metabolomics defined metabolic-characteristics of chronic hepatitis that is significantly differentiated from acute hepatitis. Pharmacological Research, 180, 106248 (*Corresponding Author)
27. Luo,H., Cao, G., ... Lu, H*., Wang, Y*. and Jing, W*., etc.,(2022). Emerging pharmacotherapy for inflammatory bowel diseases. Pharmacological Research,178, 106146. (*Corresponding Author)
26. Wang, T., Guo, R., Hu, L., Liu, J. and Lu, H*. (2022). Mass Spectrometry-Based Targeted Metabolomics Revealed the Regulatory Roles of Magnesium on Biofilm Formation in Escherichia coli by Targeting Functional Metabolites. Journal of Analysis and Testing, 6, 89–97. (*Corresponding Author)
25. Dong, S., Zhu, M.,...Hu, L., Jing, W*., Lu, H*. and Wang, S., etc (2021). Dihydromyricetin improves DSS-induced colitis in mice via modulation of fecal-bacteria-related bile acid metabolism. Pharmacological Research, 171, 105767. (*Corresponding Author)
24. Wang, T., Liu, J., Luo, X., Hu, L., and Lu, H*. (2021). Functional metabolomics innovates therapeutic discovery of traditional Chinese medicine derived functional compounds. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 224, 107824. (*Corresponding Author).
23. Jing, W., Luo, X., and Lu, H*., et al. (2021). Berberine improved the colitis in rats by the regulation of microbial tryptophan metabolites to activate AhR. Pharmacological Research, 164, 105358. (*Corresponding Author)
22. Guo, R., Luo, X., Liu, J., and Lu, H*. (2021). Mass spectrometry based targeted metabolomics precisely characterized new functional metabolites that regulate biofilm formation in Escherichia coli. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1145, 26-36. (*Corresponding Author)
21. Tian, T*., Xu, X., Li, X., Zhang, W., and Lu, H*. (2021). Precision-characterization and quantitative determination of main compounds in Si-Ni-San with UHPLC-MS/MS based targeted-profiling method. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 194, 113816 (*Corresponding Author).
20. Guo, R., Luo, X., Xu, X., Lu, H*., etc. (2021) Microbial metabolomics: from methods to translational applications. Springer Nature-Book Chapter, "Advances in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry", 1280, 97-113.. (*Corresponding Author)
19. Liu, J., Luo, X., Guo, R. and Lu, H*. (2020). Cell metabolomics reveals berberine inhibited cell viability and metastasis in pancreatic cancer cells by regulating citrate metabolism. Journal of Proteome Research, 19: 3825-3836 (*Corresponding Author)
18. Luo, X., Liu, J., Lu, H*., etc. (2020). Metabolomics identified new biomarkers for the precise diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and associated tissue metastasis. Pharmacological Research, 156, 104805. (*Corresponding Author)
17. Guo, R., Luo, X., Liu, J., Lu, H*., etc. (2020). Multi-omics strategies decipher therapeutic discovery of traditional Chinese medicine. Pharmacological Research, 19, 3825–3836. (*Corresponding Author)
16. Guo R., Lu H*. (2020). Targeted Metabolomics Revealed the Regulatory Role of Manganese On Small-Molecule Metabolism of Biofilm Formation in Escherichia Coli. Journal of Analysis and Testing, 4, 226–237. (*Corresponding Author)
15. Hu, L., Liu, J., Zhang, W., Wang, T., H, Lu*., etc. (2020). Functional metabolomics decipher biochemical functions and associated mechanisms underlie small-molecule metabolism. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2020, 39, 417–433 (*Corresponding Author)
14. Xu, G., Guo, H., and Lv, H*. (2019). Metabolomics Assay Identified a Novel Virulence-Associated Siderophore Encoded by the High-Pathogenicity Island in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. J Proteome Res., 18, 2331-2336. (*Corresponding Author)
13. Lu, H*. Que, Y., Wu, X., Guan, T. and Guo, H. (2019). Mass Spectrometry based Metabolomics Deciphered Metabolic Reprogramming That Was Required for Biofilm formation in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 13160. (*Corresponding Author)
12. Luo, X., Guo, R., Xu, X., Li, X., Lu, H*., etc. (2019). Mass Spectrometry and Associated Technologies Delineate The Advantageously Biomedical Capacity Of Siderophores In Different Pathogenic Contexts. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 38, 239-252 (*Corresponding Author)
11. Su, Q, Xu, G. Guan, T. Que, Y. and Lu, H*. (2018). Mass spectrometry-derived systems biology technologies delineate the system’s applications of siderophores with chemistry and biology. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 37, 188-201(Invited by Editor in Chief) (*Corresponding Author)
10. Su, Q., Guan, T. B., He, Y. and Lv, H*. (2016). Siderophore biosynthesis governs the virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli by coordinately modulating the differential metabolism. Journal of Proteome Research, 15, 1323–1332. (*Corresponding Author)
9. Nie, W.N., Yan, L. Y. Lee, Y. H., Guha, C., Kurland, I. J., and Lu, H.T.,* (2016).Advanced mass spectrometry based multiple omics technologies for exploring the pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 35, 331-349. (*Corresponding Author)
8. Lv, H. T*., Hung, C. S., and Henderson, J. P.* (2014): Metabolomic Analysis of Siderophore Cheater Mutants Reveals Metabolic Costs of Expression in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Proteome Research, 13, 1397-1404. (*Corresponding Author)
7. Lv, H. T.* (2013): Mass spectrometry based metabolomics towards understanding of gene functions with a diversity of biological contexts, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 32, 118-128. (*Corresponding Author)
6. Lv, H.T., and Henderson, J. P. (2011): Yersinia High Pathogenicity Island genes modify the Escherichia coli primary metabolome independently of siderophore production. Journal Proteome Research, 10, 5547–5554.
5. Lv, H.T., Palacios, G., Hartil, K. and Kurland, I.J. (2011): Advantages of Tandem LC-MS for the Rapid Assessment of Tissue-specific Metabolic Complexity using a Pentafluorophenylpropyl Stationary Phase. Journal Proteome Research, 10, 2104-2012.
4. Lv, H.T*., Hung, C. S., Chaturvedi, K. S., Hooton, T. M., and Henderson, J.P.* (2011): Development of an integrated metabolomic approach for Infectious Diseases Research. Analyst, 136, 4752-4763. (*Corresponding Author)
3. Yan, L. Y., Nie, W. N., and Lv, H. T. * (2015) Metabolic Phenotyping of the Yersinia High-Pathogenicity Island that Regulates Central Carbon Metabolism. Analyst, 140, 3356-3361. (*Corresponding Author)
2. Su, Q., Guan, T. and Lv, H*. (2016) Siderophore biosynthesis coordinately modulated the virulence associated interactive metabolome of uropathogenic Escherichia coli and human urine. Scientific Reports, 6, 24099; doi: 10.1038/srep24099 (*Corresponding Author)
1. Yan, L. Y., Nie, W.N., Parker, T., Upton, Z., Lv, H. T. * (2013) Mass spectrometry based metabolomics facilitates the discovery of in vivo functional small-molecules with a diversity of biological contexts. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 5, 1953-1965. (*corresponding author)

14. 国家转化医学中心(上海)重点项目;执行期2021-2023;主持人;在研
13. 上海市院士专家工作站(专家工作站);2021年度; 首席专家;在研
12. 上海“科技创新行动计划”自然基金项目 ; 执行期 2021-2024; 主持人;在研
11. 转化医学国家重大科技基础设施(上海) 2021年度开放课题(大科学计划预研项目); 执行期 2021-2023; 主持人;在研
10. Agilent Applications and Core Technology-University Research Fund (ACT-UR); 执行期 2021-2022; 主持人; 在研
9. 国家重点研发计划; 胰腺癌转移的阶段化代谢特征谱及代谢机理研究;执行期 2017/06-2021/12; 主持人;在研
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目;致病性大肠杆菌中新铁载体的发现与功能表征;执行期 2017/01-2020/12;主持人;结题
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目;基于代谢组学技术表征中药石韦治疗尿路感染的活性组分和作用机制;执行期 2013/01-2016/12; 主持人;结题
6. 重庆大学百人计划(海外引进高层次人才); 功能代谢组学与创新中药研究; 执行期 2012/07-2015/07; 获批经费:主持人;结题
5. 上海交通大学特别研究员计划(绿色通道引进高层次人才);精准修饰代谢组学;执行期 2015/12-2018/12;主持人;在研
4. 重庆自然基金面上项目;基于代谢组学技术表征中药人参治疗糖尿病的功能组分和作用机理;执行期2014/09-2017/09;主持人;结题
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费学校创新重大项目;新铁载体的发现与表征;执行期 2015/07-2017/07;主持人;结题
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费跨学科重大项目;基于代谢组学技术的人参治疗糖尿病的转化医学研究; 执行期 2014/06-2017/06;主持人;结题
1. QUT校长特聘教授席(国际人才基金);群体性肌肉损伤代谢生物标记物的发现与表征;执行期2013/07-2016/07; 主持人;结题



交大篇(2017-至今):共发表SCI检索论文18篇,中文核心2篇(IF>10 7篇;IF>5分6篇;封面文章2篇;ESI高被引2篇)中药专著1部,Springer-Nature 著名丛书英文章节1篇。




罗夏琳博士(2017级博士研究生,第一个博士生),现任上海市临床检 验中心助理教授,荣获2022年度上海市启明星计划扬帆专项,并受邀担任英文刊Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine青年编委。



2020级博士研究生(直攻博)刘京净同学荣获 “中国药理学会第十六次全国学术大会”暨“第五 届东方药理论坛”研究生优秀报告奖。


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